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Write for Us

I) Process:

You can send us  your articles in a .docx format to


Please attach the .docx or the link to it; with your name, institution, position, contact number, essay type mentioned in the email.


Before you move ahead, you are requested to go through our Style Guide, which could be accessed here.


In case the essay is not confirmed within two days, we request you to assume it rejected.


II) Types of submissions:


1) Op-ed:

- Word range: 900-1500 words

- Employ hyperlinks instead of footnotes or endnotes. Citations are not necessary.

- Co-authorship of up to two authors from any institution is allowed.

- Op-eds are directed towards readers with a general awareness of current affairs. Please

explain any jargon specific to the issue.

- Op-eds must have proper academic rigour. Pieces with multiple claims with no argumentative veracity will not be moved beyond the first-round of editing.

- Generally, we discourage op-eds, but well-researched pieces are invited.


2) Featured Articles:

- Word range: 900-1800 words

- Under featured articles, we invite book reviews, event reports, policy analysis, political fiction, law analysis amongst several other relevant things pertaining to political science. 

- Employ hyperlinks instead of footnotes or endnotes. Citations are not necessary. 

- Co-authorship of up to two authors from any institution is allowed.


3) Academic Essays:

   - Word range: 3000-4500 words.

   -  Citation format: APA 7th. Kindly read up about the format in detail here.

   - Co-authorship of up to three authors from any institution is allowed.

   - There must be an abstract preceding the essay.

   - Footnotes are not allowed. We accept referencing only in the APA 7th format along with the endnotes and in-text citations.

   - Pieces that are investigative and have original niche central arguments are encouraged. Academic essays are geared towards students pursuing political science and must display scholarly rigour in their original insights.

   - Abstract and references do not contribute to the word limit.

III) General expectations:


- The Board encourages submission of entries from students, professors, or any professional irrespective of their discipline, experience, or political leanings.

- Please ensure that you go through our styling guide, the link to which could be accessed here.

- Entries should contain nuanced and articulate claims backed by veritable sources; sources might include reputable news sources, academic journals, reports from think-thanks, and books.

- Ramjas Political Review is an organization focused on the discipline of political science,

and thus authentic and non-partisan articles are expected. 

- The Board expects the articles to either advance the knowledge of political issues or lead to a better understanding of the same. 

- We appreciate and promote theoretical and empirical articles equally.

- Selection of articles will be done through a double-blind peer review to ensure the criteria is met, and that the standards are maintained without bias. 

- We allow the legitimate and consented usage of direct quotes and statements in the article, but they must be limited to less than 10% of the essay.

- We do not allow any artificially generated content.

- The article should be written in a font size 12 in Georgia or EB Garamond throughout the whole essay including the title, heading, and subheadings.

- The piece must be original and should not have been published anywhere else. 

- The author is allowed to publish the work on their own blog site after one month of publication with a proper hyperlinked note mentioning that their piece had been originally published over Ramjas Political Review. 


For any further query, please feel to write to the Editor-in-Chief at

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